Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quick Update

I realized today that I only have a finite number of papers, and if I update thrice a week, as was the original plan, It wouldn't last very long at all. Thus, starting tomorrow, I'll be putting up papers on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and doing small housekeeping ordeals throughout the week on the other days. Or maybe on the same days as the papers, if the mood is right. We'll see how it goes.

Also, in the same vein of not having enough papers, if you have any sort of request you'd like, just leave a comment or something and I'll likely get around to it. Again, I have to take this chance to remind everybody that this is not meant to be used for cheating or what-have-you, and you'd be foolish to do so once you see how stupid my papers tend to get. I think you all understand where I'm going with this, which is good because I really don't feel like typing out rules or anything.

Finally, I'm also trying to get some of my friends' papers that they really submitted to bolster my own arsenal. With all of our papers combined, you'd truly see what happens when smart people stop caring or trying.

So, that's enough for today, considering it's so un-fun and dry and such.
Short Version: Papers will be put up Tuesdays and Thursdays, if you want me to write about a short story or  a movie or anything, just submit it in any of the numerous ways you can find to, and I'll be back Thursday with another paper.

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